

Just a quick heads up on how you can be praying for us. Today our visa applications and passports arrive in New York for processing for our two-year stay in Belgium. We've heard it takes about 2 months to process this, so please pray that this process goes FAST - even faster than the norm! We can't buy our tickets until our visas come in (otherwise we miht have to pay to bump them back to wait on the visas), so the sooner they come in, not only the sooner we can leave, but the sooner we can prepare to leave. We'd really like to get to Belgium before February because of a few things happening on that side of the ocean but of course, we're trusting the Lord's timing of all this. If they don't come in until later, so be it. We certainly have our preference, but if the Lord has other plans, we'll take it.

May the Lord's face shine upon you today. As it says in Psalm 96, Give to the Lord the glory he deserves!

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