It started in class on Wednesday when I got all America on them and introduced them to sweet potato casserole- Grandma Pasche's recipe.

It made me so happy to make Gma's recipe here in Prague. It made me feel close to home.

And the class LOVED it.

My teachers made me write up the recipe in Czech- they had never even heard of a sweet potato.
And all America's people said "you're welcome." :)

Thanksgiving morning we headed to Austria to meet up with some of our coworkers here in Europe.
It was pretty gorgeous.
Like take your breath away, you had me at hello, gorgeous.

It was a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner shared with good friends.

The weekend after was filled with all kinds of Thanksgiving-y festivities.
Enjoying pretty mountaintop chapels while hiking.

Catching up and talking talking talking.

Enjoying seeing this girl! Kathryn Frey brought Tomball with her from Budapest. Yay for hometown reunions across the ocean!

The kids played and ran around a lot outside in the chilly air.
Don't they look like Von Trapps or something?

In true Thanksgiving fashion, there was lots of gaming.
Ultimate Frisbee.

And a new one called Speed Jungle.

And lots of just hanging out.

One day the ladies walked to town.

And did a little shopping.
A bonafide Thanksgiving if I ever heard of one: eating, talking, playing games, and shopping all with people you love.

It was so so good to be there with our friends, give thanks, pray together, and take a deep breath and relax.

On Sunday morning we all made the rounds hugging, crying, laughing, saying our goodbyes and hoping it would all happen again soon.
In other words, it really felt like family.

We thank God for these people. Life and holidays away from home and family are hard sometimes. God has provided us friends in the same boat that bless us and teach us. Thankful thankful.
On the way home we stopped at a campsite I've been eyeing online as I dream about a summer 2013 camping trip.
It did not disappoint.

It's always good to end a happy trip with sights set on the next one :)
Thankful for friends, for family, for joyful work to do, and for Jesus.
Happy Thanksgiving from Prague!