
Cat-walking: a confession

Promise not to judge us for the picture you are about to see.


My name is Megan.

And I walk my cat.

Oh, ya'll it's so funny! Let me tell you how it happened.

We were at the park with the Kellers, Jordan, and Kristin, and we saw this:

A couple walking their cat.

This made me very excited, because I had seen cat-walking on TV (TLC is just great for these kind of ideas) and always wanted to try it, but didn't know if anyone did that here.

Šárka is pretty adventurous outside on the balcony so we thought she'd love it. (And, believe it or not, there were tons of leashes to choose from at the pet-store. Who knew?)

We headed to the park early that first day, the kitty in her carrier, hoping no one would see us and that no curious dogs would be around.

We found a quiet, secluded spot and...

Off she went! It's funny how proud I am of my little city-kitty.

Clay followed her up a tree during one walk.

Man, she makes us laugh.

And Clay is a great sport :)

All that to say, yes, we walk our cat. And yes, we are those people skulking around in the forgotten corners of the park, avoiding the dogs and judgmental glances. It is so weird and wonderful and fun.

So there you have it, my confession.


Sunshine days.

The winter that wouldn't end has finally succumbed to sunshine.

We are really happy about that.

Spring and summer in Prague are pretty magical.

Parks that haven been ghost towns all winter are suddenly thriving with picnic blankets, kids, entertaining dogs, and laughter.

These people know how to enjoy sunshine.

You know one of my favorite ways to enjoy sunshine?

Nothing like laundry drying on the balcony and fresh breezes floating through the apartment from open windows.

Šárka approves mightily.

Beautiful days ahead!