I am feeling pretty content right now, pondering the highs and lows of the last few days. It has been nice and rainy here lately, which has brought the temperature down immensely. I actually pulled out a blanket today while I was sitting on the couch, and I wore JEANS all day (are you reading this, Texans???). Plus, there was butternut squash at the market today (!) which made dinner especially wonderful. So, yeah, things are really good here in Huy. There's been a lot going on.
A few weeks ago we graduated from school... I find this very funny since we were only in school for 10 weeks. The ceremony was awesome. There was a long speech, a few students were called to get their diplomas, and then the word was given for the rest of us to scuttle to the front of the room to rummage for our own certificates. I was laughing so hard as we joined the herd of cattle rushing the stage. It felt so... distinguished.

We celebrated our 3 year anniversary on the 1st by having breakfast at a new restaurant. It is one of the few places that we have found that serve eggs for breakfast!

July also happens to be the month that EVERY store has huge sales! What a nice anniversary surprise :) I have always had a favorite store in Huy. I don't even know the name of it, but I spotted it over a year ago when we first visited here. They have the most incredible window displays that they change atleast once a week, and every time I walk by I soak it all in. Very unique, pretty clothes- kind of Anthropologie-esque but with some feisty euro added in. Anyways, it is very expensive. I have actually only been in once, and haven't allowed myself back since. For months I have been a window stalker. Enter glorious July. Clay was so kind to accompany me and help me pick out a few things to celebrate our anniversary.
Here I am in the pants I bought, very excited to actually be matching the mannequins that I so admire :) I also must say that these pants mark a milestone for me. They are the first thing that I have bought here that I would classify as "euro." I call them my jasmine pants :) They are extremely comfortable and I wish they came with a magic carpet.

(If you think they are hideous, you should see the more exaggerated version that we have here: jasmine pants like mine but ankle-length with a crotch that
sags to the knees. Are people dressing like this in America?)
Clay has been chomping away at the growing pile of video projects. We just shot some footage yesterday evening up at the fort.

Every week there is a work day for the men at the church, and Clay has been joining them since we arrived. It has been a good time for him to get to know the men and get some French practice in too.

It is fun for me to head up to the site and check out his hard work (and appreciate the fact that the ladies aren't expected to be there :)

Yesterday was an especially fun day as we got to visit the home of Jean-Francois and Isabel (remember
them?). Clay helped some men work in JF's yard, and I got to hang out with Isabel and Caleb. It was awesome, ya'll. Being in a home, just hanging out with a friend is something I have missed. There was nothing fancy planned, and I just got to sit at the kitchen table, coo at Caleb, and chat with Isabel while she did normal household stuff. It was Caleb's second day of eating solid food so that was fun to be a part of. He is truly precious. And I got to practice so much French! Isabel is so kind and patient. It was an awesome day. I felt like I belonged.

Maybe that's what's changing here that is making me feel more content lately. Belonging. Belonging doesn't make one miss what they've left less, but it slowly begins filling up the hole that was made when they left it. Thank you, Jesus.