The rental place only had a convertible so we got to cruise in style.

We spent some time with Billy and Kate and their sweet new baby Rush. We also spent some good time de-briefing with some folks within our organization.
Then, home to Houston.
Our flight got in early so I got to sneak up on Mom while she was ordering at Starbucks.

It was so much more fun carrying all those duffels TO the car rather than FROM the car 2 years ago.

We grabbed some Chic-fil-ay.
We stopped at Gma's.

Then HOME!
It is so beautiful right now! So much green and the temperature is perfect. Texas is welcoming us home.

A big hello to my kitties!

Then it was time to go find some Sandozes.
Driving to their house was the first time I had driven in 2 years. Wow. It didn't feel strange at all either. It felt great.

It was a great afternoon catching up and drinking coffee.

Then all the Pasches came over to celebrate in true Sandoz fashion- a big barbecue! Pork chops, pork loin, sausage! Oh man.

Kenny made us some pinatas to celebrate. We laughed a lot.

It was just so good to be together. Nothing like it.

And then this morning, a HAIRCUT!

I can't describe how awesome it felt to talk in English to the person cutting my hair!
Thanks Chandra! Well worth the 2-year wait.

And now I am doing laundry and watching Nacho Libre with Q.
Things are really really good.
Yeah for HOME!!! Welcome back to Texas. Enjoying all your journeys. Glad you are getting to enjoy God's beautiful weather and creation here at home this spring!!
welcome HOME. welcome BACK. welcome, welcome!! i LOOOOVE seeing you guys all together- such sweet family!
I love your new haircut! Enjoyed seeing Texas through your pics!!
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