Here we are on Sunday discussing the week's plan. As you can tell by the banner, we got to join in on a little birthday party. It was a 10 year-old's birthday party, and Keith had brought a pair of capguns to his parents for them to give him for his birthday. All of the other kids immediately wanted to know where the toys were from and were told Keith had brought them, to which they replied. "They're from America?!?" It must have sounded so far away to this kids used to living on the other side of the world from "home." Their expressions are ones I tuck into my pocket of little nuggets I take away from these trips.

I rode home with one of the families and about died I was giggling so hard. Seriously. I may be the only person alive who can wreck a bike when they aren't even driving. We laughed quite a bit.

Hard at work. I like this picture because it proves that I really really do help Clay in this process. I take my role as assistant very seriously :)

Oh, the places we have traveled with Keith Keller.

We reunited with a family we met at training in 2008. I love 'hellos'!

So, all is well in Thailand. I kind of feel like we are in a place in our lives where God is teaching us something new with every breath. It's a good place to be and exhausting too! I am thankful to be here.
Oh my! The photo on the bicycle is hilarious! Don't you think it was a little small for 2 women??? I would have been giggling, too!
I told Nanny that Keith was joining y'all in Thailand and she said "Our KEITH??" How cute is that? -mama
im jacking the sunset picture too. thank you so much for coming here hahaha
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