Even the ones where Clay was being unusually cruel.

I am not going to lie, traveling Spain by planes, trains, and automobiles in a week is intense. I caught zzz's when I could.
This was our view most of the time. Tailing Vicki and Ellis all over.

One pastor treated us to a really neat and authentic lunch. I think the tapas we had the other night were for tourists. This time we were served whatever the owner deemed appropriate, and his whims led him to goat, tripe, and pigs ears to name a few. It was one of those things that is gross and awesome at the same time. And I would like to comment that I was indeed a big girl and tried everything... atleast once.
Here is Clay being a big boy himself with the pig's ears.

The best part was when the owner brought out the platter of ears, pointed to his own ears and oinked to tell us what we were about to eat. Awesome.
At our last meeting in Barcelona, Clay made me nervous by practically hanging out this 5th story window. Gotta get the best shot, you know. I tried to look like the cool cucumber wife, but I admit I had my hand ready to steady him the minute he wobbled.

And now, HOME. It is good to be back. The laundry is done and put away, and we are enjoying weather in the 50s here in Huy. What a nice surprise to come home to after those hot days in Spain.
Going to Spain was so timely, and I thank God so much for getting me out of Huy for that week. With the Boatwrights leaving and Clint and Mel heading home, I was in need of some serious distraction. I am still feeling some pangs of sadness, and am a little bit lonesome tonight, but tomorrow is a new day, and I welcome it. God hasn't left me yet, afterall. He truly is wonderful.
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