All we knew was that we wanted to see "a big church" and a castle (this was Rob's dream list). The church was easy, and it was beautiful as usual. The castle was a little trickier. Clay and Rob had their hearts set on this fort-like structure that we could see across the valley.

You can just imagine how hard it was to talk Mom and I into that mega-long hike.

It took some serious persuading, that basically culminated in us wanting Rob's castle dreams to come true.

So off we went, with Rob helping Mom by "boosting" her up the steep hills with his hand. We really did laugh a lot. Mom and Rob are hilarious travel companions to say the least.

We found the fort and had some fun climbing around.

Can you see the man himself enjoying the summit?

Mom was a real trooper. I am very proud of you, Mom!

Clay enjoyed the fort as well. It was seriously like a playground for grown men.

They were actually a little giddy.

And Rob was very proud of his castle.

Here is the view from the top.

While up there, we breezed through a modern art museum and the boys beheld the biggest tinker-toy display in (what must be) the world.

(There are a lot of pictures of Rob on this post. He had us laughing all day.)

Ok, so we literally had to RUN to make the train home. Again, Mom really brought it. Coach Pasche did not disappoint, and we all made it to the train in the nick of time.

A beautiful, fun, full day. And a little exercise to boot. We are enjoying our time with 2 of our favorite travelers.

Wow, made me tired just looking at all of this ... enjoyed all the pics ... Chip
I just LOVE seeing your mom there with you!! What an awesome day you guys had... in spite of the hiking and climbing and running! :)
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