We then boarded what was to be our 6 hour flight to Montevideo.
Silly weather.
We couldn't land.
So they took us Buenos Aires, Argentina.When they said they were re-routing us we got a little excited. Buenos Aires sounds cool. And someone on the plane said that it's pretty easy to take a boat from the Buenos Aires to Montevideo, so we were kind of ready for a fun adventure. It turns out we had to just sit on the tarmac in Buenos Aires for a few hours.
There were numerous announcements made, all of them in Spanish, which unfortunately has been pretty sufficiently replaced by French in our brains at this point, so we didn't really know what was going on.
But the plane took off, so we were happy. We landed less than an hour later and I was so excited to finally be in Montevideo.
We weren't in Montevideo.
We were in Punto del Este, a different Uruguayan city, where they let us disembark (sweet freedom) and chill in the airport while they figured out what to do with us. I felt so sorry for the families with babies and little kids. They were all so tired. And I bet the diaper bags were running low.
Around 4am they loaded us on buses and drove us to Montevideo where we arrived around 6am. It was crazy. One of those "this will be funny to look back on moments" :)
Here's a picture of us on the bus finally on our way to Montevideo.

After getting some sleep we hit the town to get a feel for the city and plan out our next few days.
Here are some of my favorite shots from the day.

Just our luck, it's strawberry season :) 2 lbs for 1.50USD!

$.50 reward for a day well-spent shooting b-roll. The little family making this yummy fried dough was so precious. If they hadn't been selling something so dangerously good, we would have bought more :)

1 comment:
What a great time you two must be having! Can't believe your Spanish hasn't kicked in yet. What if it come back right before you leave the DR and then you fly right back to French. Oh my, your poor brains :)
love, mama
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