Blanca and Michael threw a sweet goodbye party for them, and, of course, Sofia was precious as always.

Last night the boys had one last mitraette at St. Germaine's.

And then, because God is merciful to me, a special treat from home: Clint and Mel are here! Family is a sure balm for my heart.

Tonight we had one last hang out time all together. A pita picnic complete with wine and a couple of games of cards. It was so good just to be together, to relax, and to laugh at how stressful things are right now.

Clint and Melissa are real troopers, let me tell you. The jet-lagged two waited patiently through our reminiscences, suffered our inside jokes, and our awkward tears (ok, mostly MY awkward tears :)

I will never forget that picnic. Together as friends. Note: I hate change.

However, change is good, even necessary, because it keeps us from getting comfortable with how things are. It keeps us from exchanging our reliance on the Lord for a cheaper reliance on people and things.

Even Tigre made the rounds saying goodbye to us all. I will miss our kitty! And check out that empty apartment!

My heart is pretty broken right now. We will miss our friends! I was doing the dishes tonight, listening to some itunes, trying to keep it quiet to not wake Clint and Mel, when a new song came on. I had to drop the dishes, close my eyes and soak up the message that Jesus is here, holding me. He's paid the price, given me life, and will never EVER leave me. He truly is incredible. As merciful as it gets. (The song was By Your Side by Tenth Avenue North, if you're interested.)
And so... go with God, dear ones, and forget not the joys and struggles, the lessons and rebukes, and the presence of the Lord who saw you through 2 years here. We will miss you.

SECRET BONUS: As a treat for those who actually made it through this depressing post, an oddity. Clay and I saw a hairless cat in a window the other day while walking. Take a gander. It is so weird and awesome ;)

I'm so sorry for the sadness you feel over B & D leaving :(
But, so thankful that God, in His perfect timing, sent Clint and Mel to distract you for a bit.
That cat is gross!!
You are such a blessing Meg...even through that sad blog :) Thanks for being so honest. I love you!
Friends leaving is so difficult. And, I agree with your mom about that cat!!
You make me cry. I cried all the way home and then some. You guys will always be our friends no matter what. I am sure you are fine now without us, I know change is rotten. We miss you. Don't say I don't read your blog ;) I like the Spain pics and the cool new do...what happened to growing it out...quitter!!! :P
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