In our History Giving group, Clay and I shared our stories yesterday. After we talked, the group prayed for us- this group is such a blessing. It is amazing how things work after you know someone's story. It has only been 4 weeks, but I truly love these people. God is all over them.

And here's a quick video of the pictures we used to tell our story:
As it was the last day of the session, several families are heading out, some to the field THIS month!! We will miss them. Here is our Equipping family. Sniff sniff.

On Monday, Language Acquisition begins and will last 2 weeks. We will not be learning French, but we will be learning how to learn a language. Techniques and stuff for learning a language while in the culture that speaks it. I am very intrigued and have no idea what to expect. We shall see!
Currently, we are in Charlotte at UWM's Candidate Orientation and Vision Day. Keith asked us to lead worship and we are going to be interviewed by a couple of people to share some of the journey we have been on to get here. It is funny that a little over a year ago, we were here to officially begin our relationship with UWM. We had not raised any support, and still weren't even sure where we would be going. God has done so much in this last year!! He provided clarity (not TOO much, of course :) on Belgium and what our time there might look like, we got to meet our team there, and we have been blessed with supporting friends and churches to carry us on their shoulders as we live out this journey. In just the last few weeks we have been blasted with learning about his immense grace and LOVE for us that is not dependent on anything that we do. I think we both would have claimed this before we came here, but I know now that we had no idea what that is all about. God's love. I still don't get it. But the glimmer of it that I see shining through the religion I had created in my mind is breathtaking. Shine on, Jesus! We are looking forward to seeing what he will do in the next year of our lives.
I hope your weekends are stellar and that Jesus fills your hearts and minds.
Love, Megan
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