We've been around and around, and it's been exhausting and fun.
Mom and I got to visit Aunt Barbara and Uncle Orland for Barbara's birthday. It was my first time to see my Auntie in years and years. We were so happy.
Connie came down for a baby shower for Clint and Mel. Notice the mashed potato bar in the foreground. There was never a better idea than that one.
We are loving reconnecting with our dear friends, young and old :)
We spent a fun weekend with the Meadows. Can't get enough of their sweet babies.
We explored Yonder Way Farm (and met these special people ).
I am soaking up time with my kitties.
These friends came to town!!
Michelle and I attended a non-existent farmer's market.
And had a farewell breakfast with them at Snowflake in downtown Tomball.
After our garage sale our room finally had enough space to be whipped into shape. It's so nice to have a little space of our own.
We've spent lots of time in Austin. It's so fun to go downtown and be able to walk places. It makes us miss Europe!

We checked out the bats of Congress Ave. Bridge. It was cool, but all I could think was "Rabies! Rabies, everywhere!"
Look at them swarm over the trees!
I know it's not cool to take pictures of other peoples' kids, but this little guy was just too cute watching the bats.
We love Austin.
More jet-setting to come in the next few weeks. We'll be heading to D.C. soon to apply for our visas! Woohoo!
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