Here is The Boss (Brent) surrounded by his worker bees getting ready for the day to get started.

I especially love this picture, because A) everyone in it is precious to me, and B) their funny expressions. Probably a combination of A and B, now that I think about it.

After the tournament was over and we were picking up, the kids couldn't resist doing what I am sure they were dreaming about all weekend :)

The tournament was a grand success! It was a lot of fun for players and spectators alike. Brent, you did a great job! For those of you curious, the sand is actually gone! I didn't believe that it was possible to get rid of so much sand, but as the day ended on Sunday, people were pulling up with trailers, excited to refill their sandboxes or start construction projects. It ended on Monday with a company leaving with bulldozer after bulldozer-full. I wasn't there, but it apparently involved a long day of hearing a bulldozer scrape concrete, and hours of sweeping. Sounds awesome :)
Yesterday, we went with the Boatwrights to visit Sirin and Xavier to celebrate Sirin's birthday. It was so great to see them again! We took a walk through their town and found a really peaceful park. I realized how much I have missed trees!

We also enjoyed spending time with the Boatwrights, as they are leaving in August. Oh, how I will miss them!

And I have to share our Bday gift to Sirin with you. Last time she was over she was raving about our hot sauce. Well, Cholula for you it is, Birthday Girl! It makes my Texas heart happy for my Turkish friend to love Cholula :) Sirin and Xavier are great! They are such sweet new friends.

And on a random note, my lunch today was awesome. Roasted butternut squash with cinnamon, sauteed greens with red peppers and onions, and a big salad. I LOVE market-day Wednesdays!!

Happy Wednesday to you!
Valarie wants to know how you cooked your sauteed greens with red peppers and onions :)
:) I got the onions going for a little bit in olive oil, then added the chopped red peppers until they got a little soft. Then add the greens- I used swiss chard. A little salt and you've got your self something there!
I am having a hard time leaving a comment here...hope this works...sorry I missed you the other're right I should have left a message....but I got scared.....I love all your veggie dishes I hear about on your page...I tried fixing the greens and really blew it...I had turnip greens and I cooked them too butter...but that was before I got the recipe...oh well Rodger ate them...he eats anything.....kinda cool learning to cook fresh..(at 56) are an inspiration!.....miss you!
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