90 elephants later... (For some reason, I always measure tons in elephants. 2 tons= 1 elephant. Reading Rainbow was good for something) ... 180 TONS of sand!!

Clay and a few of the guys who worked to get the job done.

We have come to find that no Belgian event is truly complete without barbeque. Barbeque here means incredible sausages, grilled and seasoned with herbs de provence, nestled inside a crusty baguette. Clay commented today that these barbeques are among his favorite things about Belgium :)

I loved the system of purchasing the sausages. You paid at the registration table, were handed a baguette, which was then your proof of purchase at the grill to get your sausage. It just made so much sense!
What a fun day!

Amy, Kathy, and Philip manning the registration table.

It was a fun day with teams playing from 9am-9pm! Lots of folks came out from church and from the town, and we were able to get some good video, too.

Can you spot the camera-man?

And we get to do it all over again tomorrow!
Looks like so much fun - what did you do to keep the local kitty kats out?
What a fun way to create community and introduce people to a church family! I love it!
Soooo...were you able to give away all the sand or is the street still blocked with 90 elephants?
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