The mountains have been eluding us here- lots of rain and fog.

BUT, we entered church this morning to this sight:

And exited to this:

We love our job.

I decided to pretend that the after church coffee/snacktime was really a birthday party. It was awesome.

Our friends dropped us off in Ljubljana for an evening on the town.

I love these street lights! They are like huge lamps! I think the make a walk along the river magical.

Here's to 26 years! I thank God for what he's done, what he's doing, and what he'll do. I certainly would never have imagined being here on this day. There are times when I think being so far away from those that I know and love is absolutely ludicrous! This I have learned concerning plans: man makes his plans, but it is God who directs his steps. And thanks be to him for putting us on this path. It's hard to be sure, but the reward of seeing him ever more clearly is worth all that there is to give. To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power, and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Megan!!!
"I decided to pretend that the after church snack time was really a birthday party." You are the cutest thing ever!
What an adventurous year and one to celebrate for sure! Jen
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