
2 little things I am loving

1. The kitten Rob brought home from college. He and his roomates saw him running across the road in College Station so they chased him (all the way up a tree!) and brought him home. What a precious and feisty kitten! I am so thankful to have a cool brother with such a sweet heart that he would chase down a kitten to protect it.

This new kitten brings our feline tally to 5. 1 in the house and 4 outside as "mousers." I love that word. It makes me feel so country. Mousers :)

Zebo (the prince who lives inside) is none too impressed as you can see.

And 2., the other little thing I am loving: Max Aldis. Mom watched him tonight and we played some serious dress-up. He is pretty fabulous.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Sounds like you guys are having fun spending time with family and friends. I sure do miss you two and love reading your blog. When do you board the plane?
Enjoy the rest of your time home savoring time with your precious family and friends. Merry Christmas!