Hello! We are rounding out day 5 here in Honduras, and a time we have had! Yesterday we spent some time checking out the land that Destino is hoping to buy soon. We heard there was a river and a waterfall, so naturally we were intrigued. We made some sandwiches and headed out... if only we had stopped to ask for some directions... surely a Honduran river during peak rainy season can't be too hard to find, right?
Here is where we began our journey. A nice cloudy morning and smiles.

We found this creek pretty soon. Surely this is not the river?? We heard that this is where people get baptized so surely this is not it. We decided to follow it downstream to see if a larger, more...um...beautiful river would appear.
We found nothing but HUGE drop-off cliffs, and occasionally the sound of gushing water. Oh, how that river mocked us.
We were actually tromping (yes, tromping) through this mass of cliffs, trees, pine needles, and thorny things. I was beginning to think that this trip to see the river was NOT worth it. We eventually circled back to the original creek that we started at so we could get a new perspective and begin again. Then, we see THESE:
These creepy little shrimp creatures that float through the air like feathers, and then light on trees. I am talking creepy. It was so funny ( I am laughing as I type this), Clay and I saw this first one and were so transfixed by it, throwing sticks at it to make it fly, etc...you know the drill. Then we expanded our vision and realized we were standing in a whole NEST of them. They were everywhere- on trees, in clumps, nasty, sick, shiver, NO! We were so freaked out. Someone please tell me what these are. And don't tell me we imagined them. There is photographical proof.
After this, we decided the river would have to wait. We trekked back to our little puddle of a river and commenced our picnic: PB&J and beans in a bag. Yes, beans in a bag. Much like how we have chicken or tuna in a handy pouch, Hondurans have refried beans in a little foil bag. It may seem strange, but they are actually pretty good.

We were so happy. It was a fun day, though not victorious. It is so nice to just be somewhere and have absolutely no schedule.
We returned to the house to find the children outside playing- we cannot resist them. Check out Jackie blowing bubbles. So precious!!
Jonathan with his dimples.
"Time-Out" even in Honduras. Super Nanny would be wiping away a tear :)
So, that was yesterday. Today we went with the group from West Acres to their medical brigade, because Clay needed some footage (plus we were just curious). Pretty cool to watch. Doctors are amazing. We caught a ride home early with Carlos and enjoyed talking with him. He is the pastor of the church here and also kind of like the co-director with Rhonda. He has the most amazing story and shared it with us as he drove. He is incredible. Thank you God for Carlos!
Well, time for dinner. Guess what we are having.... you never will: Chinese take-out :D Apparently, this one restaurant here rivals Chinese anywhere. This seems like exaggerated praise.... we will let you know. It seems silly to try to compete with Dragon Inn.
Love you all!
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